1 in a 100

AshlyErnesto "Christian teacher"

February 7, 2016 Parole Suitability Support Group, who I’ve been working with, and they excitedly expressed to my mom that they were impressed with my diligence! Basically that I am 1 in a 100 people that has actually worked towards rehabilitation, done the work and beyond to make a difference; a positive difference upon re-entry into our society and even …

Ernesto – Pay it forward

AshlyErnesto "Christian teacher"

Ernesto and Buddhism: I was in the hole when I got ahold of a Buddhist book called “Zen”. Studying Buddhism within the confines of solitary confinement in my early 20s was a real eye-opener for me. It put into perspective illusionary perception of the worlds we got lost within … Our self-image, or ego, or human nature, our artificial emotions, …

Ernesto – “Fishing” people’s homework

AshlyErnesto "Christian teacher"

Sept 21, 2016 I am leaving behind a lot of things. A CD player. A bunch of CDs. Radio. Speakers. Winter Clothes, and my positivity to these guys so they don’t lose hope in kindness. Many people became saddened that I am leaving because they do not experience the kind of positivity I put out in the form of kindness, …

Introducing Ernesto: A Christian Perspective

AshlyErnesto "Christian teacher"

Ernesto is a prisoner in Pelican Bay prison in California, where he took part in a long hunger strike to protest prison conditions. He was in isolation for over a year. He committed his offense when he was in his early 20s. A California law passed in 2015 allows for an early parole hearing for model prisoners with long sentences …