October 31, 2016 Dear World, Being in solitary confine, for an indefinite SHU term at Pelican Bay, felt like an eternity. The mental picture I will carry with me for the remainder of my life, is like a scar in our bodies, visibly reminding us of a past hurt. Solitary confinement is much alike, the only difference is that the …
1 in a 100
February 7, 2016 Parole Suitability Support Group, who I’ve been working with, and they excitedly expressed to my mom that they were impressed with my diligence! Basically that I am 1 in a 100 people that has actually worked towards rehabilitation, done the work and beyond to make a difference; a positive difference upon re-entry into our society and even …
Ernesto – Pay it forward
Ernesto and Buddhism: I was in the hole when I got ahold of a Buddhist book called “Zen”. Studying Buddhism within the confines of solitary confinement in my early 20s was a real eye-opener for me. It put into perspective illusionary perception of the worlds we got lost within … Our self-image, or ego, or human nature, our artificial emotions, …
Ernesto – I could not tell him we were his secret admirers
March 20, 2016 A kid, 23 years old, was talking to me the other day and expressed that he stays with his ear on the vent. Why? He says he loves listening to the music I play. As you recall, I have a CD player and I got some speakers and play CDs music that some of the many buddies …
Ernesto – “Fishing” people’s homework
Sept 21, 2016 I am leaving behind a lot of things. A CD player. A bunch of CDs. Radio. Speakers. Winter Clothes, and my positivity to these guys so they don’t lose hope in kindness. Many people became saddened that I am leaving because they do not experience the kind of positivity I put out in the form of kindness, …
Ernesto – Christ is Love. Buddha is Love. Jehovah is Love. Muhammad is Love.
March 16, 2016 Steven said something in his response that caught my eye … He did not believe in hell. He believes hell is a manifestation of a person’s mind … Absolutely true! In addition this hell can be created also when we give life to artificial emotions and thoughts than conceive overthinking situations and our conditions in our lives …
Introducing Ernesto: A Christian Perspective
Ernesto is a prisoner in Pelican Bay prison in California, where he took part in a long hunger strike to protest prison conditions. He was in isolation for over a year. He committed his offense when he was in his early 20s. A California law passed in 2015 allows for an early parole hearing for model prisoners with long sentences …