What is Your Kindness Score David July 1, 2015 Leave a Comment What is Your Kindness Score? The Kindness Scale rates your acts of kindness across four categories. Kindness with Friends and Family Do you help them without being asked? Please select your answer Choose One A little Some A lot Do you encourage them as they work toward a goal? Please select your answer Choose One A little Some A lot Do you respond in a positive manner when they ask or say something to you, in word or gesture? A little Some A lot None Kindness at Work Do you help your colleagues? A little Some A lot None Do you encourage the good work of other? A little Some A lot None Do you focus on the success of your group as much or more than your individual success? A little Some A lot None The Reach of Your Kindness Do you give directly to the poor, for example money, food, gloves or other warm clothing to a homeless person asking for work in winter? A little Some A lot None Do you give to disaster victims living outside the US? A little Some A lot None Do you give time or money to charities for children in need, battered women, homeless, endangered wildlife, or other charities inside the US? A little Some A lot None Are You Kind to Yourself? Do you make sure to take time and energy to get your work done? A little Some A lot None Do you eat and drink in a healthy fashion, avoiding cigarettes, chewing, and excessive alcohol. A little Some A lot None Do you stay active through exercise or work? A little Some A lot None Do you manage your stress? A little Some A lot None In the box below, write about how you are going to increase your kindness: Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results! Time's up