Anger Managment Test Quiz


Anger Managment Test Quiz is a test quiz only. The questions are based on a point system that are random & I made up. The point total will indicate whether it would be helpful to visit the anger management portion of the site. The user would have the option of having the results sent to their email address.


If I get really upset about something, I have a tendency to feel sick later, either with a weak spell, headache, upset stomach, or diarrhea.

I've gotten so angry at times that I've become physically violent, hitting other people or breaking things.

When I get angry, frustrated or hurt, I comfort myself by eating or using alcohol or other drugs.

I am quick to forgive others who have harmed or offended me.

People often try to take advantage of me.

Anger works _______ in helping me solve my problems.

I remain angry or resentful about something(s) that happened years ago.

Compared to others, I would say I am:

I've been so angry at times I couldn't remember things I said or did.

People do stupid things to make me angry.

When I am angry about something that happens at work, it affects me when I am home.

Anger is _______ in helping me get what I want from others.

People I've trusted have often let me down, leaving me feeling angry or betrayed.

In terms of changing my anger, I would say:

I have retaliated with anger when another driver has cut me off or tailgated me.

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