June 19, 2017
Sitting lotus
Watching the rise of the incense
I feel my mind void of thought
everything slows down
I see the wind outside move through the trees
I hear my nieces outside playing,
time and I are totally still
without my senses
I’ve entered Samadhi
I understand Zen practice now
but this is only a glimpse
*Life’s Toxicity*
Embrace the darkness,
It is your only friend.
Turn away from the light,
Before it blinds you to the truth.
Numb yourself to the cold
And soak in the hate around you.
All that is good and pure will bleed away
Leaving only life’s toxicities behind.
Never again will you know the light,
Never again will you feel.
Revel always in the truth of these words.
Cry your acid tears if you must,
But never let them drown you.